Our Mission:

Change the future.

So many teenagers in the United States age-out of the foster care system to live as adults. Styles House Inc. wants to be that difference in their lives and has pledged to support and guide aging-out youth, so they have the same opportunities as every other teenager in the United States as they make their transition to adulthood.

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Our Vision

Our goal is to provide a healthy, secure environment and a welcoming community for young adults who aged out of Foster Care to become active participants in society as well.


Our Solution

The social environment is an intangible and yet critical part of any foster/transitional home. Styles House will ensure the proper concepts are applied to policy, protocols and every day encounters in order to shape the fabric of life within the transitional home. Styles House operates with a “house parent” model that will provide a warm, caring ‘home like’ atmosphere.


The Stats

Transitioning from childhood to young adulthood includes plenty of challenges, but for youth aging out of foster care, the challenges are even greater.

23,000 kids in the U.S. will age out of foster care this year. National studies have shown that within two to four years of leaving foster care at age 18:

  • 25% won’t graduate from high school.

  • 50% will develop a substance dependence.

  • 70% of young women will become pregnant.

  • 60% of young men will be convicted of a crime.

“Although young people who are turning 18 often feel they want to be independent and do things on their own, it’s critical that they have support from others.”
— Amy Fogel, CH/LSS

Our Impact & Approach

Styles House will provide our youth with the life skills needed to advance in life and become a productive member of society. The staff will involve the teens in daily living activities including cooking, grocery shopping, and others.


Individual and Group support

The teens will be offered opportunities individually and in-groups to express and discuss their feelings, to talk about their concerns and identify their goals.

recreation and relaxation

The staff will also provide opportunities for creative expression, recreation, relaxation and fun.
